How to Get Rid of Ants Overnight: Effective Home Remedies


An ant infestation can be a frustrating and persistent problem. If you’re looking for a quick and effective solution to get rid of ants overnight, you’ve come to the right place. This article will explore several home remedies that can help you eliminate ants and prevent future infestations.

how to get rid of ants overnight

Natural Deterrents

  • Diatomaceous Earth: Sprinkle diatomaceous earth along ant trails and entry points. The tiny, sharp particles will cut through their exoskeletons, dehydrating and killing them.
  • Borax: Mix borax with sugar to create a sweet treat that will attract ants. Once they consume it, the borax will poison them.
  • Vinegar: Combine equal parts vinegar and water and spray the solution on ant trails and entry points. The acidic nature of vinegar can repel ants.
  • Peppermint Oil: Ants dislike the strong scent of peppermint oil. Dilute a few drops of peppermint oil in water and spray it around areas where ants are present.

DIY Traps

  • Sugar and Borax Trap: Mix sugar and borax in a shallow dish. Place the dish near ant trails, and the ants will be attracted to the sugar and inadvertently consume the borax.
  • Honey and Borax Trap: Combine honey and borax in a jar. Place the jar near ant entry points, and the ants will be drawn to the honey and poisoned by the borax.

Prevention Tips

  • Seal Entry Points: Caulk any cracks or gaps in your walls or foundation to prevent ants from entering your home.
  • Clean Up Spills: Promptly clean up food and drink spills to avoid attracting ants.
  • Store Food Properly: Keep food in airtight containers to prevent ants from accessing it.
  • Dispose of Trash Regularly: Empty your trash cans frequently to avoid attracting ants.


By following these home remedies and prevention tips, you can effectively eliminate ants and prevent future infestations. Remember, consistency is key. If you notice ants returning, repeat the treatments as needed.

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